Our Football for All programme season ended gloriously at the weekend with two of our age groups playing in the FAI’s Blitz @ the National Sports Campus in Abbotstown.
Three hours of fun and games was promised by the organisers and that’s what our players got in the sunshine with thrills (and spills) aplenty during the day.
The well organised event (three cheers to all the FAI tutors who turned up on the day and done a wonderful job) is the first of what will hopefully be an annual summer event.
Our Junior team on the day saw Kyle Heavey make his debut for the Diggers while Saoirse Donnegan, Calvin Loftus and Leandros Flynn all made winning starts with our Senior side.
The icing on the cake for all the participating players – a well-earned medal. The club are very proud of all our FFA players.
P.S. A special word of thanks to Patrick Reilly, FAI Programme Coordinator Football For All, who organised the day. Well done Paddy